
Humble Service - A week of VBS

There is no better way to be humbled as a pastor than to see 50+ members of your congregation give of themselves to serve 80-90 children, many of whom do not attend our fellowship.  It is Vacation Bible School week and for the past five nights a contingent of volunteers have been shepherding a flock of children with remarkable energy and enthusiasm.  They have done it with such joy it's hard to tell who had more fun, the servants or the kids.

But the work began over a month ago with many of the leaders planning, preparing, and training. Decorators searched for materials, created props and over the weekend before transformed the church into the VBS theme.  Volunteers prepared all the supplies needed for crafts.  Drama performers spent hours practicing their lines and scenes for their five skits.  Dancers practiced their steps and hand motions.  Servants joyfully prepared to register the kids, feed the kids and teach the kids for five nights.  All so that they may learn and know Jesus.  

Words simply cannot express my appreciation for these dedicated and humble servants.  They have honored The Lord by following his example of cherishing and serving the children who have attended this years VBS. Most importantly, to The Lord Jesus be all the glory, for these giving people have done this work for Him and through Him.  My prayer is that He abundantly bless them and that their labor not be in vain but that all that they have shared and taught the children will produce much fruit in their young lives. 



Having a Mind to Work

I'm sitting this morning on my patio in thought about the weekend mission trip. I just spent a fantastic weekend with seven of our church members at the Bible College in Ensenada doing whatever was needed; sorting cloths, repairing fences, installing lighting, etc.
The unity and oneness of purpose was incredible and reminded me of the people led by Nehemiah.
The city of Jerusalem was in ruin and the walls were rubble. Under the leadership of Nehemiah the people joined together. Families each took a portion or wall or focused on a gate and within fifty two days rebuilt and repaired the wall so that once again the city of Jerusalem was secure. As it says in Neh 4:6 "the people had a mind to work."
So what does that mean to "have a mind to work?" It didn't only mean that they were willing to get their hands dirty. A mind to work was also a mind to submit to the leadership of Nehemiah. A mind to work was a mind to join and submit to others. A mind to work was a mind given to the vision and purpose of the work as shared by Nehemiah and confirm by God. A mind to work also was a mind to be and stay focused on the portion of the work they were given responsibility to rebuild. A mind to work meant giving no place to outside influences, temptations and critiques. Having a mind to work was all these and in fifty two days the wall was miraculously completed.
So church, do you have a mind to work?

