There has been much complaining over how social media companies like Twitter and Facebook and now Amazon, as well as other companies, have closed the accounts of those they deem in disagreement with their standards or politics or they see as inciting violence or false information. Before you assume that I am in agreement of this complaining please continue reading.


We as Christians have been part of a community that believe in a single message we call the Gospel. We also attend gatherings, meetings, seminars and other events that sensor any message that is not according to this Gospel message or the Bible and our doctrine.

A pastor of a congregation controls who and what is shared with the congregation. Those who have the same belief and hold to the same scriptures and believe in the same God and the same Lord Jesus Christ, choose to be a part of this gathering of like-minded believers, and the congregation have no issue with the pastor or leadership controlling and censoring other views that would be in conflict. As a shepherd I have a biblical mandate to control the teaching, 1Tim 1:4-4.

Those who visit may decide whether they are in agreement with us or not and if not they have the freedom to find a group of religious people who believe as they do or even start an organization with the belief that they desire.

A person or persons could attend our gatherings and possess a different biblical view and we would not ask them to leave the church but they would have no opportunity to preach to the congregation and promote their views. You could call this censorship and you would be correct.

Being that we as Christians live in this reality why then do Christians voice objection towards a privately owned company, providing a free service (Keep in mind a church provides a free service) that decides to exercise it's right to control what's communicated from their platform when not in agreement with their standards, doctrine, beliefs, convictions, etc.?

You may argue that these social platforms are equal to radio and television broadcasting companies. I would disagree as ABC or NBC are not social platforms where anyone can sign up according to that network's policies and openly share their opinions and viewpoints. Social platforms are much different interactive forum where everyone has a voice, a commentary and critique.

If we as Christians insist that the social platforms should be controlled then the same could be demanded of the church and of course we would not be in approval of this.

The answer is simple. Those who desire to express views have other platforms to use and I suspect those with the talents and resources to do so will create new platforms. Necessity is the mother of invention.

But let's be clear what is was that has brought us to this point. A group of people who saw it their right to storm and enter the US Capital has given social media justification in their response.

As a Christian and business man I have a perspective that businesses have the right to set standards for their companies. When a Colorado baker refused to decorate a cake for a gay marriage because of his religious convictions I support his right. However, if I was in his shoes I may respond differently. So we as believers need to be balanced and just in our evaluation of social platforms and be cautious to not become the hypocrite.

