I’m Offended


Thanks to krakenimages @krakenimages for making this photo available freely on Unsplash 🎁

Thanks to krakenimages @krakenimages for making this photo available freely on Unsplash 🎁

It gets me chuckling how people get offended for others that are not offended. Like the Hispanic college student who thought it humorous for a white college age interviewer to be wearing a sarape and a sombrero while some of his fellow caucasian students were offended claiming he was culturally misappropriating. I, being Hispanic, also got a laugh of the young man ans eas not offended.

There is also those instances when people get offended when you have made a statement that is not derogatory about a topic, a photo or a subject. It can be a simple observation. For instance, I follow our county Sheriff Facebook page. They had a post about donated masks by a local Ford dealership. The masks had the logo of the dealership. I made a simple observation that the dealership used the masks as a "shameless plug." The phrase refers to a obvious promotion of a product aside from the focus of the discussion or report. It isn't even an insult to the dealership just an observation that they did a good thing and used it to promote their dealership. Well, a woman was offended at my observation and jabbed at me that I should be ashamed for not saying anything nice about the officer in the photo. Now I know police officers and they would likely make the same observation, but would also be thankful the masks that were donated.

There is this woman who was offended I shared a story about my wife from the pulpit. The women expressed to my wife how she was offended that I shared it and felt bad for my wife. My wife chucked at her as my wife was not bothered at all and likes the story shared as it related to her growing in the Lord. So the woman was offended for no reason.

Jesus made several comments that offend people. They were Truth that conflicted with his listener's views, works, attitudes and alike. They were so offended that some wanted him dead.

Yet he was not offended by the actions of his accusers, adversaries and doubters. He carried on with his mission, to die for all mankind. So consider Jesus next time you get your feathers ruffled and are offended and get yourself some perspective. Instead engage ans communicate and reason with grace.

Colossians 4:6

Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one.

